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(David) Wendell Hughes spent many years researching his and his wife's family trees. The bulk of his data is not attributed, and apparently was collected from living family members and a family Bible. Archive information was mostly obtained by mail from his home in Lincoln, Nebraska. Short visits to London, Wales and Switzerland produced little information on the lines in the old countries. The findings on his side were published in 1969 in two volumes:
The Families of Hughes (Benjamin 1816 - 1903 and Margaret Evans 1825 - 1879)
James (Evan 1808 - 1877 and Jane Davies 1817 - 1858)
The Families of Davies (David Samuel 1829 - 1895 and Rachel Evans 1840 - 1921)
Evans (Edward E. 1813 - 1883 and Rachel Phillips 1813 - 1864)
All of these lines originated in Wales.
Helen's roots were in Scotland and Switzerland. Such information as we have is published here for the first time.
A great deal of the Zehnder family information was obtained from Gertrude Louise (Trudy) Morrison Heiman.
Wendell's work is now being supplemented by additional research, as indicated in source notes. The in-law Hartford data rely heavily on George M Hartford & Lillian M Walker Family History by Lyle Stephen Hartford, self published in 2000, with a 2001 addendum for the Harvye family; and earlier unpublished work by Walt and Ethel Hamilton Hartford.
There are almost certainly some date errors from the Wendell Hughes material, due to his method of date notation. Dates are all numbers: e.g. 12/03/1901. Much or most of the time the sequence is day, month, year, but at times it is month, day, year. Researchers should take this as a lesson: always use letters for the month, to avoid the possibility of confusion. 12/03/1901 should be 12 Mar 1901 or Dec 3, 1901, as appropriate.
Dan Gamber
last update 27 February 2007
Copyright 1969 - 2007.
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